Borislav Iordanov

Software Professional, 20+ years


I am a software programmer/engineer/architect/manager/developer with over 20 years of professional experience in various capacities and a wide variety of domains. I run a small consulting company that you might consider hiring for your project. Core areas of experise include everything Java, NoSQL databases, semantic knowledge graphs, enterprise knowledge management and search, natural language processing, machine reasoning as well as quality assurance and test automation.

LinkedIn - Curriculum Vitae


  • Granthika - most recent and most ambitious project to date. We want to reinvent writing.
  • Grakn Labs - I was heavily involved in the early stages of the company and I still help build their core product, which is about graph-relational knowledge representation and reasoning.
  • Kobrix Software, Inc. - a small company I've been running for about 16 years. Initially a product company, then software service. If you want to hire me, you'd be hiring Kobrix.
  • HyperGraphDB - one of the first databases in the recent NOSQL movement that I create and am still maintaining. HyperGraphDB is an embedded multi-model distributed database, with support for OWL, RDF, Prolog, JSON, full customizeable type system.
  • OpenCiRM - the first of its kind completely semantic web driven enterprise CRM system, built for the Miami-Dade County 311 call center. Essentially and R&D project with several papers published about it, done while I was employed at Miami-Dade, I am very proud of it.
  • Github - see open-source projects I'm involved in
  • DZone Technical Blog - occasional technically minded articles.
  • Medium Blog - occasional writing on both technical and non technical subjects.